Text2reach – Connecting businesses to people

Text2reach was founded on 06.08.2009
The company founders are Mārtiņš Labāns and Mārtiņš Grandāns
The company joins Draugiemgroup.com
SMS payments are provided for the Draugiem.lv website
The number of business customers reaches 200
First international SMS connections are created
New SMS processing platform is under development
The platform evolves into a separate project www.2gateway.eu
The company leaves Draugiem Group
Initial founders become the sole owners of the company
600 million SMS messages are processed
New yearly record
The team

On 19.04.2022 T2R Ltd. signed an agreement No. SKV-L2022/173 with the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia for receiving aid under the initiative of “Promoting International Competitiveness”, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.

T2R Ltd. is a member of the Latvian State Revenue Service In-depth Cooperation Programme. It is proof of fair commercial practice and timely tax payment. In 2021, T2R Ltd. paid 170,000 euro in taxes.